About CA
Welcome to Compassionate Accompaniment CIC (Community Interest Company), a not for profit social enterprise in Scotland helping to bridge the gap in healthcare through compassionate care services. Bringing ongoing support for: self compassion/well being, grief/loss support and end of life accompaniment.
Accompanying ourselves and each other with compassion helps us to slow down, to feel seen and heard, to listen, to feel connected.
Caring for ourselves helps us to care for the world.
Get in touch with usPhoto by freepik
Photo by Romanul Hoqe
About Us...

Who are we? Compassionate Accompaniment CIC, a not for profit social enterprise that offers services for compassionate care practices, grief support, caregiver support and end of life accompaniment. We have a fantastic board and volunteers! Find out more...
All donations and payments go directly to Compassionate Accompaniment CIC and help us to continue offering our compassionate care services. Thank you very much!
Thank you for being here.
We look forward to connecting with you.
To make an appointment please ring 07752 680 261 or email us and let us know how we can help.

Compassionate companion sessions and Share Our Table Gatherings help to restore a sense of belonging and connection in ourselves and our communities. When we began to grow we needed some financial support to help reduce running costs. So in spring 2019 we applied to Firstport for funding to be able to offer more of these gatherings. We were awarded the funding! By July 2019 Compassionate Accompaniment became a registered CIC (Community Interest Company). We were also awarded the Build It fund in May 2022 to help us grow even more! We are so grateful to Firstport for their ongoing support.